Why refreshing your fitness brand could be good for business

Take a look at your fitness branding. Does it reflect your business well? Is it lacklustre and out-dated? Does your brand align with how you want your fitness business to be perceived?

If you’re no longer 100% satisfied with your branding, it might be time for a change.

Without completing overhauling your brand, which can be both time-consuming and costly, there are still changes that you can make to refresh your brand.

But first, you need to decide whether your business needs a complete rebrand or whether a refresh will be enough to give your marketing a little boost.

If you’re completely unhappy with your branding, hate your logo and your business has changed direction since you first created your brand, chances are that you’ll need a complete overhaul to be happy with how it represents your fitness business.

However, if you just want to freshen things up a little, bring your brand into the new year, or if you’ve added any new products/services to your brand offering, a refresh can be a great way to help you and your customers fall in love with your brand all over again.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Think about your audience - Has your audience changed? Has your offering changed? If the answer to either of these is yes, you may need to consider changing a few things like your role, job title or strapline.
  • Visual appearance – This is where you think about your visual branding including your logo, fonts, colours etc. Consider a brighter colour or removing clutter from around your primary logo image to give your logo a clean, modern feel. Remember when eBay kept their colour scheme but ditched the squashed and overlapping text design or when Google adopted a more modern-looking font? Your changes don’t need to be big to have a powerful effect.
  • Brainstorm it - If you’re stuck for ideas, try this. Print a copy of your logo and any straplines using your current font selection in the centre of a piece of paper. Now, make notes. Brainstorm what works and what doesn’t, sketch new designs and see what looks better and what doesn’t – then recreate it digitally. There’s no point paying a graphic designer to do something if you don’t have a clear idea of what you’re looking for.
  • Update your marketing – Now that you have a new set of fonts, an updated logo and a catchier, more relevant job title/strapline, it’s time to update your marketing. You’ll need to make a list of everywhere that your brand is visible i.e. your website, business cards, leaflets, flyers, personal trainer clothing or gym uniforms, and social media etc.


Work through each one methodically, updating your logo (and any other graphics you’ve created), your colour scheme and your fonts.

When you’re finished, step back and appreciate your refreshed, up-to-date brand that aligns perfectly with your fitness business and your audience.

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