How to Stay in Touch with Your PT Clients During Lockdown

As the UK prepares to enter week 7 of the lockdown caused by COVID-19, it’s never been more important to be able to connect with your clients remotely.

With gyms and fitness centres closed for the foreseeable future and restrictions on how long, and where, we’re able to exercise, it’s not hard to imagine that your clients will be missing their usual personal training sessions. And let’s face it, being able to still earn money at this time is crucial.

So, what can you do?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to embrace virtual communication and to strongly consider how utilising quality video and audio communication services can help your fitness clients get through this difficult time.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Post pre-recorded training videos to social media. One per week or one each day to help your clients achieve their daily workout.
  • Schedule 1-to-1 training sessions either via video, so that you can train your client in their home, or via audio so that you can motivate them during their hour of outside exercise.
  • Organise virtual group training sessions so that your clients can all workout together with you leading the session. This is a great way to boost morale and to motivate, whilst encouraging your fitness clients to connect in a time where many are craving communication.
  • Go live and share snippets from your own daily workouts.

What equipment will you need?

A camera and a microphone. This can be as simple as using the hardware that comes built-in to your phone, laptop or tablet. But remember to do a test run before you go live for the first time to ensure that your sound and video quality are adequate.

When it comes to where to host your virtual PT session, there are several options including Zoom, Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Facebook Live. Which one you choose depends on your specific requirements and which option your client prefers, but each has its own pros and cons.

Zoom, for example, has limits on the number of participants if you’re using the free version, but it does allow you to schedule sessions in advance.

Skype is possibly the most widely known video service. It also allows you to share documents during the session, such as food diary or training plan entries.

Facebook Live is a great option if you’re looking to boost your social media content and encourage people to watch or join your session. However, the video quality can sometimes be lacking, and there’s no room for error in a live broadcast!

Now it’s over to you. Try these tips to help you stay in touch with your PT clients during lockdown!

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