How to Plan a Photo Shoot for Your Personal Training Business

Photo shoots are the key to unlocking the secret tricks of promotion and marketing. They have the ability to enhance your brand, clearly translating the aims of your personal training business to your prospective clients. You can plaster these photographs across your website and social media pages, sparking high engagement and interest. And, what's more, they're vital when it comes to giving a professional first impression. So, we've crafted this list just for you. We suggest you read on.

Before you even start snapping those shots, sit down and figure out what you're wanting to achieve. Ask yourself, what's your strength in terms of your fitness business? What do you want to communicate with your customers? And, how will a photo shoot help you do this?

So, follow these steps and have your brand photo-ready in no time at all.

1. Establish Where These Images Will Go

Beforehand, you need to plan where you'll put your images. Most businesses tend to feature them on their sites and social media pages, which is all well and good - but, if you're reaching for the highest engagement possible, incorporating them within your marketing stratergy, (ie business cards and leaflets), will serve you well. Calculate how many photos you'll need, too. This'll make the process a lot smoother.

2. So, What's the End Goal?

Once you've established the main concept of your photo shoot, get those creative juices flowing and think outside of the box. Your business will require a bit of extra flair in order to set it apart from the rest. So, how do you differ from other trainers? You could consider asking your real clients to feature in the shoot, and paired with your testimonials, this is a great marketing tool. Make sure you've got any necessary exercise equipment on hand. Be a stickler for organisation and compile a checklist of everything you'll need when the day arrives - it'll prove invaluable, and save both time and pennies.

3. Confirm the Shoot Location

The setting of your snaps can have a huge effect on the resulting aesthetic. Figure out the time, place and whether you'll require additional lighting or not.

4. Feature Your Personal Trainer Clothing

There's no point in taking photos if you aren't sporting custom printed personal trainer clothes that showcase your brand. Make sure you're dressed with the utmost of professionalism so that you'll squeeze out every drop of this advertising opportunity.

5. Select Your Photographer Wisely

It's an important task and one that must be carried out with care. Compare reviews, samples and price points of different local photographers. Have they got the experience necessary to fulfil your needs? Never hesitate to speak your mind and communicate comprehensively.

6. Final Preparation

Send out reminders to anyone involved - you'll all need to pull together on the day to make the shoot a success. Grab that checklist we mentioned above, remembering that time is money. If you've got several photographs lined up, consider scheduling your models to avoid unnecessary time wasting.

Photographs can really make or break the overall design of your website - and, as we know only too well, aesthetic and appearance have a huge influence on a client's decision. After reading, we hope we've bridged that gap, and that you'll now be able to carry out a photo shoot of your own!

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