How to Get More Personal Trainer Clients

If you’ve recently started your personal trainer business you might already have a few clients lined up, which is great. But how do you get more?

A full-time personal trainer can typically support around 20-30 clients. If you’re struggling to meet these targets, don’t worry. We’ve put together our top marketing tips for personal trainers to help you get more personal trainer clients, fast!

Utilise all available marketing methods

What are you using for marketing? Facebook? Word of mouth? Printed flyers? Whatever you’re already doing, in an ever-changing digital world, there’s always more you can try.

  • Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts – help to push your content to your local audience, you can use this to increase likes, encourage messages and to direct traffic to your website.
  • Google My Business Listing – as a local business, you need local clients. Listing your business on Google My Business will allow more people to find you when searching for personal trainers in your area.
  • Networking – there’s no limit to where you can network for your business. Talk to people at the gym, mention it to the cashier while doing your weekly shop or attend local networking meetings – remember, other business owners need to stay healthy too!
  • Existing Clients – keep your clients happy and they’ll talk about you. You could even offer incentives like a ‘refer a friend’ scheme so that they can earn free sessions, discounts or other rewards for bringing in new clients.


Target marketing campaigns to clients with different needs!

Whether it’s losing weight, injury recovery or managing an illness, each of your clients have specific needs and reasons for choosing to use a personal trainer service. So, to attract new personal trainer clients, you need to start addressing their problems. Try creating marketing campaigns around the following:

  • People with specific health issues i.e. back, knee or hip problems
  • Getting back to fitness:
  1. Target mums looking to get back into shape after having children.
  2.  Retirees with more time on their hands and their health to think of.
  3. People who have suffered injuries and want to get fit again.
  • Anyone looking to complete a physical challenge/event i.e. mud runs, 5k park run, marathons etc.

Remember, when launching your marketing campaign, you need to address the problem and highlight your solution, show how you can help!

What are you waiting for? Review your current marketing plan and identify where there are gaps you can fill and new markets you can tap into with the ideas above.

If you’re looking for more marketing advice for personal trainers, look out for our next blog post on how to use incentives to get more personal trainer clients.


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