Fitness Fashion Throughout the Years

Popular fashion has always been cyclical, and exercise apparel is no different. Fitness clothing has undergone a wide array of changes from the earliest days of specialist garments. Unsurprisingly, the outfits worn by workout enthusiasts of the past bear little resemblance to those sported in 21st Century gyms.

Fitness Clothing in Victorian Britain

Personal fitness, and indoor exercise, first captured the publics imagination during the Victorian era. Before the 19thCentury, carrying excess weight was considered a sign of status. To be overweight suggested that somebody was wealthy enough to eat well and had no need to toil in harsh working environments.

Image Credit – Wellcome Library

With the onset of Victorian values, beauty standards changed and thin was in. Exercise was encouraged, though this was also among the most prudish periods of history. There were no singlets, yoga pants or – whisper it quietly – shirtless workouts allowed. Instead, gentlemen were encouraged to exercise in a three-piece suit and ladies to remain clad in substantial dresses. Thankfully, it seems that hats could be removed.


Indoor exercise was considered an activity for the idle rich in this era. As mentioned, vast swathes of the population conducted hours of tough manual labour every day. This provided an ample workout. Those that could afford such frivolities as indoor exercise, however, were commended for their dedication to aesthetic splendor.

Fitness Clothing at the Dawn of the 20th Century

As the world entered the 21st Century, it took a while for fashion trends to truly evolve. Women, in particular, were still expected to focus almost exclusively on their appearance. Corsets remained commonplace – hardly ideal for exercising.


The fashion apparel of gentlemen, however, began evolving into something close to what we recognise today. Shorts, sporting socks, sneakers and vests or singlets rose to prominence.

The Edwardian era allowed women a little more flexibility, but not by much. Female exercise apparel of the early 20thCentury typically involved a blouse, bloomers and a skirt. This provided a little more flexibility than the flowing dresses of previous years but remained a far cry from what we wear today.


Some concessions were made as fitness became increasingly important to women, though. While gyms were typically exclusively used by men of the era – mostly boxers, with prizefighting a popular pastime in the early 1900s – women were encouraged to exercise indoors. A workout typically involved stretches, kicking legs, push-ups and sit ups

Post-War Fitness Clothing

The rise of the leotard began in earnest in the post-war years, gaining prominence in the 1960s. Before this, women were encouraged to protect their modesty by wearing playsuits and all-in-ones. Once again though, female beauty standards were changing.


In the 1940s and 1950s, women were encouraged to be as buxom as possible. This was the age of the pin-up, with the likes of Bettie Page regarded as fashion icons. By the 1960s, they were encouraged to be as thin as possible. Don't forget, this era also saw the irrepressible rise of the bikini.  The leotard, coupled with the growing popularity of yoga as a form of exercise, would show off a toned, slender figure.


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What of the men of the era? Little changed, though it was growing increasingly commonplace for men to exercise shirtless. This was arguably due to changes in boxing attire. Male competitors no longer wore vests or shirts to the ring, presumably to minimise grabbing and handling of clothes during a fight. Most male fitness fashion revolved around simply donning a pair of white shorts – and showing off impressive muscle tone.

The Explosion of the Fitness Clothing Industry

By the 1970s, and especially in the 1980s and beyond, exercise became an international phenomenon. As a result, fitness clothing became increasingly popular – and some might say hard on the eye. Tracksuits were commonplace in the 70s (superseded by shell suits in the 80s), both in the gym and on the street.

Image Credit - Blue 17 Vintage Clothing


TV fitness guru Diana Moran, nicknamed The Green Goddess due to her striking jade leotard, started a fitness fashion trend. No shade was too bright for female-centric exercise classes, especially in the 1980s. Leotards, sweatbands and gym socks ruled the roost, often in colour combinations that would leave a modern fitness instructor begging for sunglasses. The 80s is known as the decade that style forgot for a reason.


For male fitness enthusiasts, little continued to change until the following decade. White was still the colour of choice for exercise apparel, though shorts began to lengthen. Professional athletes continued to wear shorts that left little to the imagination until the late 1980s when baggier, knee-length bottoms became popular.


Into the 1990s, fitness fashion underwent another revolution. While women had long been clad in bright colours, the popularity of Derrick Evans – better known as Mr Motivator – made garish hues popular among male athletes. This caught on in professional sport, too. Some of the football kits sported by Premier League teams in the 1990s, for example, would raise the eyebrow of the fashionistas that play the game today.

Evolution of Fitness Clothing

Naturally, modern fitness clothing is a very different animal. Today, fitness clothing is not just about what offers the greatest flexibility and comfort – though the industry has moved on in leaps and bounds in this regard. In the 21stCentury, fitness clothing is also a uniform that builds brand awareness for personal trainers.


Fitness clothing is a potential source of income for exercise professionals. Whether selling branded merchandise or seeking sponsorship from a manufacturer, there are plenty of ways that the right look can bolster a bank balance.


This is where Personal Trainer Clothing can help any fitness professional. If you are looking to bolster your exercise wardrobe, or create bespoke designs for your business, we would be delighted to help. Be sure to browse our wide range of apparel, and remember – if you look great while exercising, you’ll feel even better.

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